Sussex Clubs
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Members online training
Association Training Course
The association have been invited to a special training course on the 28th of September in Luton. Speak to your Sensei about prices, timings and hotels for the evening.

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Belgium Seminar
The association has been invited to Belgium to train with Sensei Tom De Jaeger. The dates are the 27th to the 28th of October. Speak to your Sensei about prices, coach, ferry and hotels.
Recipients from left to right
Eva Howie (Orange), Sarah Islaam (Brown/White), Mischa Islaam (Brown/White), Shofi Islaam (Brown), Matej Skripic (Yellow), Lauren Wright (Orange), Jonathon Morrison (Yellow), Michael Wright (Brown/White), Aaron Banks (Junior Black), Noah Lashwood (Orange), David Lashwood (Blue), Molly Lashwood (Orange), Zack Banks (Orange)