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Welcome to our new online training page. With the ongoing national restrictions as a result of Covid 19 preventing us from getting our Jujitsu fix, the association has decided to update the websites with training videos so that students can watch the videos and practice techniques whilst complying with isolation restrictions.

It must be noted that, as good as these videos are, it cannot replace your Sensei teaching you properly, as it’s very easy to miss minor details. But practicing with these videos gives you a good chance to learn the basics and your skills can be perfected later when the restrictions are lifted and we can get back to what we love.

Five basic weapons

The first videos are the five basic weapons you have to learn for a level one weapons grading. This is a requirement before you are able to take a grading at Dan level.

Below are the first five weapons,

Nunchaku, Tonfa, Sai, Bo and Katana.

For more weapons videos and training videos on the empty hand syllabus, please follow the following link to the main association page here.